The cryosphere is collapsing. The holocide is happening. Deep breath, half speed. herbie [AT]
Herbie Pearlman

Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
NRA commentary: Wayne Lapierre speaks about his anger management issues
Monday, July 9, 2012
Friday, May 4, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
rant off Dem Now...rastahrian rage reviscerestoration
Caucasion coorosiv corruptt capititleism....iss hard not
to be furious as I watch.....witness today the death or
Kenneth Chamberlain Senior at the plains of Whitemess
privilege Protection p'lice....the Tony Baloney boys with
bazooka body armor.....Reichian ....armored to the gills
rage....and Y.Chromsome dys.diss.disease....and iss eezie
peezie to look away.
Us 36 llamed vav we are the Cassandrans chroniclers for the Time Capsule.
This is what iss like at the Cryosphere collapses
our Force Multiplied Y.cromo p'lice.....they killin Kenneth.
Deep breath...half speed /db1/2dp.....iss time....time to tell btt*/
brethtaking bff's/best friends 36 in TA3S3.
.....and Adrienne Rich died besides....go figgur......Jack Kornfled
read her to me first at my 1st 3 month IMS in Barre.
Amy also interviewed Pres. Nasheed ....and got Vick Nuland
condoning the Honduras.....Haiti.....Venezuela.
db1/2sp......It was hard to watch....and not turn away.....
to what they do my Name.
Like them Iss.reallies who wanna bomb McCain was
Abel.....gottenyu.....chass v'challelah....where's the menschlichkeit.
Where are the Metta memes. Who can tell this as a funny story or thpbfs*
Iss needless narcissicism to turn away bng's step up show up
stand and defend.....deliver.
Am I om with my ; is what it is....I know....2112
is on the horizon of our species Event horizon....geologically speaking
we are aninstant away from self-fossilization....lawd forgive us we
know not what we unleash....Black Swans....Credit Events
Pepper Spray Lt. John Berkeley....Tony Baloney in
Zuccoti Park.....those men are animals.....and only in 1984 could
they be called 'peace' officers.....they are lawless men....memes for
Iss hockey stick for honkie time....but we've ho'd this road before
....with Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. it was epithetical provocation
by racist the rage H/herbie....ImhA
gonna be different.....and h.i.c.c.c. white his Story as we know it
will be over.
E*/enlightenment or hiccc Voidal Irreality......elect herbie pearlman
,,,or tweedledum or tweedleream...O'bumma or Mitte the Shiitte.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
"The mind cannot long act in the role of the heart."
Monsanto has done for Eukaryotic alimentation
what Aids did for population.
Monsanto purveys Lysenko and Lyme science and iss
rumored they have the cure for Y.Chromosome dysease.....
so support Round up ready red.eye racially profilical raptor rapture.
db1/2sp....we Mcmerkins are exceptionalistically killing
habeus corpus and promoting patented gene gun freedom
proprietary en.waged climate freedom for the 1% hockey stick honkies
and they Hulk Hogan....yurts.
And hey if you want Posilac pus and the antibiotics that Rx mastishtik
mastitis....then eat U GMo'fo' and drink U Fukushima Koolaid
snort ur Strontium 90....and.....stfu
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
bondage and freedom, boondoggle and foetus
This whirled whorled world is high intensity.....iss a Holgraphic hoax
Aroysgevorfene Verter......iss hiccc....highly invasive/intensive corrupt, corrosive capitalism.
Bait me switch me up.....calcium.....caffeinated.....decalcified pituitary palpitations I'm having
Iss a time bng's of asymmetric Synergy......mistakes were made....ain' personal.
The Cryosphere is collapsing.....and collectively....unconsciously, we let it.
Holocide is hapnin....and now yankee Pilgrim Nuke can go on....legally.
Iss surrealistic iss viral
.....with 2020 hypochondrial hypohindsight.....
2112 is geologically speaking
just around the corner.....
Can U tolerate the pleasure? RORE* on mo'fo,
E*/enlightenment is
.and iss intermittent and interdependent.
Witch up.....pity
Mitte and the B'rakster are joined and joint'd at the hip....the shitheads vs. the arsewholes.
Democrapt or Republicunt.I.rie.
db1/2sp....follow the rules.....we live in Jerry Sandusky surreal reality
where the
corporate person runs amuck in Bhopal.....and Warren Anderson CEO sociopath runs free.
like bin Ladin goes free....war criminals....Assad and Charlie Sheen.
The hockey stick honkies do they shtik....and they stink of Inka and Dharma Combat. and E*
This is hardcore American asymmetric Atrocity Exceptionalism...
.go figure.....
go O'mama.....mea culpa....I apologize
ImhA....iss gonna be different....value for money
and no banktrupt bankstah bailin no mo' fo'.....
Plymouth Pilgrim is relicensed
Drink U Fukushima Koolaid.....snort U Strontium
hiccc is a Hale-Bopp halo effect....deepbreff half speed....underwater
Innerstand I.....E* is enuf.
Iss premature emancipation...... foreclosure is a foregone contraception ejaculatin
Who is gonna square this Eukaryotic semi-sapience circle....iss suicidal and insouicant.
saponification......iss an Amazing Grace...I am grateful for this here now....
B Urself...and axx the guru within, bng's...mens and womens.
I'm circling this stupah/CATSC....clockwise.
At this hairpin turn...nirvana...samsara...U choose bng's.
In my Kishkes..... is the Corporate rapture.
B'rakster is narcoleptic on climate change,head buried in the Tar sand plumes..
This is the Eulogy to Eukaryote semi.sapience II....TADB
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Capitalism with a theistic white thong without the loincloth
home....omming with the ommies......db1/2sp.....
Here at Hamlin with Haman and the haimischer honkies.....
The cryoshere is collapsing and collectively ....unconsciously.....we....36 we gotta let it.
We all bosons in the Higg's ocean and the oxytocin rising......
We 36 tellin btt* to bff's
Feel, bng's/boys and girls.....Inside jew babe....iss copasetic and metaphoric...and eurhythmic.
We are what we are and it is what it is......CATSC/circlin round the stupah clockwise.
Am I meeting ur expectations? what's the what.....who's on first?
The Holocide is hapnin....imho....irl.......and it scares the shit outta me. I can do this I wanna say Sensei
truth is though I don' know the gnosis ....don' know the first thing about gnosis.
Feel the synaesthesia and the supple synchronicity.
White Predator Y-chromosonal red zone Zombie zumbah.......we 36 we dancin the dance of abundance.
Feel the lectric slide...down the slippery slope on the sliding scale of the rope-a-dope.
CATSC I am endlessly reiterated....what goes around comes back to the Deep Futur....2112.
With 2020 hypohindsight ain' that difficult to see the Black Swan just over the Deep Horizon
Well....well......mean well give the b o d*/benefit of the doubt.
We 36 practicin I and I irie Imani......good based.....basted onto a Wild Turkey true tale.
Deep breff.....TADB/take a deep breff.......this is Y'Ebanics with a hint of Y.Esperanto embedded.
We 36 speaking in Metta memes and acronyms......anagrams and paradigms.
What a Incredble Hulk ...what a crock of crack and crackers, Kosher style cracker white semite cash.....and carry.....carry on nurse......Cratchit.....where it itch.....putz.
Here at Hamlin.....Bundist Buddhist Alzheimer Artist Home for the Hospiceless....B2A2H2.
We are the ones we await.....4 self.fulfulling prophecy.
Iss 9/10 and day after gonna be a doozie.....a Kristalnacht is ahead.
Wake up....herbie.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
I thought we agreed to co=parentthroo thick and thin....till death do us part.
Did I not get that right>....that most fundamentally, karmically we agreed to co-parent Al no matter what.
I'm still prepared to co-parent with U....and I WILL NOT do whatchoo done to me. You done me.
Ya know ...what ur doing is not gonna make Al a mature healthy happy Father initiate.
Don't U get that estranging him from his only real father is gonna fuck him up bigtime....till he figures it out.
You terminated the vehicle we had ....the alchemical container and retort that all 3 of us created with Sherry Cohen
over a 10 year period of family therapy.....and our divorce agreement provided for that space within we both were doing
what was best for Al.
Do U remember that written document that your lawyer Doris prepared committing us all to work together in therapy.
I'm still prepared to continue holding that space and that shared....Color Purple Story.
We could still resume the healing linda if U choose to come back to what you committed to.
Will U?
Please I'm begging for Al's sake.
Failing that I would at least like you to model for Al proper therapeutic closure and at least come to a termination session
with Sherry.
As a therapist I presume U know how important it is to have therapeutic closure.
Please at least have a termination session.......that will be healful for Al.
Can U hold your nose and at least formally come to a termination session to complete our shared 10 years
of Family therapy.
It will help Al.
The Philanderer at the Hootennannie
Janis and Big Brother holding company
Piece in my heart
then at the I and Thou Coffee House
my 1st crack at poetasting, fancied myself poetaster laureatte.
Lord of the Pun Realm
My 1st experience of Acid and Mescalito.
Carlos Castaneda seemed sublime, primally screaned, and seamless
....suggesting a Separate Reality.
I didn't know what the what was then
or what to make of it
when I got it.
Thing of it was
hallucinating.... seemed to do itself
I was experiencing that thing that Chilean philosoph theosophist
called 'thrownness' was random
sheer floating fabulosity.
I liked the illuciditty of it all
....but not in a Facebookish Frankenfoodist 'friend'
sorta way. It was like a random act of kindness.... seen throo generous 3rd eyes
of the Third kind.....Denisovian iss called
I appreciate the Teachings of......
the throwness
who ....and exactly sorta is in Reality.....such as it is....
I was pretty sure back then that Enlightenment was the way to go
New Age E^.....we thought of it as.....Far-out....groovey....copasetic
High level Be-in Lollapalooza
the way issposta
when you enlighten up and catch Inka for it
Iss all parta the Dharma Combat CATSC....TADB.....ABCD/B
Far fucking out.
goin all the way live....if U get my drifft Snow White,,,,,privilege
I give myself now the Benefit of the Doubt now,
40 years of Zen and still sitting......pretty
Monday, February 13, 2012
Enlightenment, son, is the release from rage and sacrilege.
The cryosphere is collapsing, son, the Holocide is happening.
We're all Native Americans....and iss 1491......9/10.......iss Kristalnacht on crystal meth....
geoology is speeding up....I don't think it's the meth.....the coffee.nation I can't handle.
Son, I so wanted U to be part of
Occupy Reality Enlightenment Ensemble (OREE)
and it woulda been so fun to have Wyoma teach y'all the electric slide.....or have rich teach you about car mechanics
and habdyman kinda confidences....tricks of the trade.....deep breff....1/2 speed....I'm gonna do this today Sensei....
letter by letter....bird by bird.....bit by by
Thank you Manning brothers.....Eli and Peyton ....and Bradley...the black sheep......shapeshift
he brotha by anotha mutha....that's Y.Ebonik Y.Esperanto......and these are the Metta memes
for menschlichkeit
Bankstahs are Market terrorist slime....postureurs....imposter.....morally hazardous limited liability
White Privilege.....I am its understory...back story.....blow back
Upload I Sensei.....unless and until we 36 tell breath taking bff's (best friends forever)
We write for the time capsule.....on a time table at a time of time travel.
2112 The Great I Thing Tithing.....and unimaginable unnecessary suffering.
Son, I imagined a Co9lor Purple story......
This is a Turing Test.....are U real out I am here.....where is the where
and why is the why.
\bng's (boys and girls) ....what's the what......whatever.
Mamenyu.....oy gevalt.....Y.Esperanto metta memes.....ˇhe Cryo is collapsing bng's
besides that Mrs Lincoln was the play?
Iss time....for a 360....Performance Evaluation.
My son's sweet and sour 16......It's heavy lifting to be hated and spurned and scorned
bracing to the the Teaching of the negative 36.....U mama is a ZAP.JaPP
(zaftig anorexic putz....Jewish American princess p........not pc pussee.
Deep breff....half speed.
Reviscerate the rage....tonglin the trance.formation.....for so long I choked down the rage, swallowed
the shameShadow
Keep up the Reichian Isometrics......CATSC (circle around the Stupah....clockwise).
I hate us.....we Eukayotic semisapients....suicidal shadow sensationalists....we are killing ourselves.
How could we be doing this to usselfs.....I keep sayin to myself....hicc (highly invasive corrupt corrosive
capitalism....this is lucid hyperreality of Homo the odious.....insidious.
I hate us.....and tolerating the shame of that.....holding that allows us 36 we 1% are
bringing the Ecosphere tø a screeching Crash much unnecessary White Privilege leading
inexorably to Holocenic Black Swan song......we are headed off the climate cliff.....a cascade of
catastrophic crumblings.
Iss 9/10 geologically......juss wait till the day after.......tomorrow.
Here at Hamlin.....buddhist alzheimer home for the Hospimpiceless (Bah2)
Enlightenment (E*) is enufness impersonified.....don't take it personal......mistakes
will have been Handmaiden tales.....made men with mantras
weaponized Peace Keepers like Lt. John Pike the Pepperspray Peace Officer....Sgt. Pepper/Yellow submarine.
It's March MADnes......Ides....and we runnin with 2020 Hypohindsight....
We 36 we are the witne33ss to the mess.....aqnd iss heavy lifting bng's....on the downlow.
Haiku on the downlow......we run us Euk.^ss we run like creatures to the Black Lagoon.
We are Black Swan Song singers.....and this is our song.
We Euk*ss we genetically geo-engineer the Holocene
Extinction is enlightenment on the downlow.......feel the upsurge....scourge.
We are lubricating the the neo-Eocene neo-Permian
Those are the choices for the Deep Futur.....and Mitt the Effete....Barak the Backboneless....
Is like the Shitheads or the Arsewholes.....Tweedledumb or dee.....or Humpty or Dumpty.
What choice is there between worse and worser?
Just say 'No'......hell no we won't go......We 36 don't but the MN OS (Master Narrative....Official Story)
No enuf is enuf.......more is not better....more is less......thass genjo Gring Koan.
This the End Game Chicken Liddle......
ImhA (In my herbal Administration) we apologize to the First Nations and the Original Peoples.
we pay the reparations.
to be continued.......deep breff,,,,,half speed